The biopsy came back benign in my lymph node! With that being said, as much as I want and feel like celebrating, it is still too soon. I still have the issue of why my cells are dying in my lymph nodes and causing them to calcify. I also have the tumor still in my lungs. As Dr. Bever stated, she does not feel the tumor is cancerous since it did not light up on the PET scan but she also stated there are tumors that are cancerous that do not light up. With the lymph node being benign, I am betting the tumor is as well so I suspect they will just keep an eye on it to see if it grows. According to Dr. Bevers, if it grows too large, even benign, it could cause breathing issues.
I have lived the past 2 months in limbo, worrying, not planning, just being and at least for now I can breath, just slightly, knowing I do not have cancer in my lymph nodes that could potentially spread to other organs. I am thankful. God has been with me through this journey and has listened to the many prayers.
Thanks again to all of you who have sent cards, texted me everyday to make sure I am okay, called me and prayed for me. Keep the prayers coming and hopefully the next couple of months bring more good news!
That's fantastic news Debi!! 😘 I'm so happy for you.